International Courier

If you want your parcels to reach their destination within 5-8 days, courier service is the option. Our courier service focuses on express and door-to-door delivery.


We have 2 types of products in our courier function:

  • Outbound Courier Services
  • Inbound Courier Services


Both our products are enabled by the following service types:

Direct Linehaul

Our direct linehaul service focuses on shipments that are carried on own linehaul to our transit hub which are then handled by our agents. Currently, we have 2 transit hubs; UAE and UK. We enable our deliveries through our transit hubs which reduces the costs and improves the services. This service also gives the advantage of transporting shipments which require extreme care and special handling.



We have partnerships with leading international third-party courier companies which enable the quickest delivery times and sensitive shipments like documents, urgent parcels and any other type of shipments that require urgent deliveries. This service has the lowest delivery time of 3 to 5 working days.